My poem, Winter Beach, which won the 2019 Montgomery Writes! Poetry Contest is now online. Many thanks to the Montgomery chapter of Maryland Writers’ Association and Montgomery Magazine for this honor!
New Poem: prologue to a poem
Many thanks to The Broadkill Review for publishing my poem, prologue to a poem, in their November-December, 2019 issue. Delighted to to have my work included with so many other fine authors!
Montgomery Writes! 2019 Contest Winners
Many thanks to the Montgomery Chapter of the Maryland Writers’ Association and Montgomery Magazine for naming my poem, Winter Beach, as the first place poetry winner in their 2019 Montgomery Writes! contest. The poem will be published later this winter and I’ll post a link when it is available. In the meantime, here is a full list of the winning entries in the various categories, congratulations to all!
Short Stories:
Winner: The Tea Party by Rose Rylotte
Runner up: Trapped by Barbara Hurwitz
Runner Up: Spencer the Clown by Jane Newhagen
Creative Non-fiction:
Winner: The Last Straw by Krista Kurth
Runner Up: The Hanged One by Pat Hulsebosch
Runner Up: Little Bit by Vikki Brooks
Winner: Winter Beach by Lucinda Marshall
Runner Up: Foxville by Brian Tracey
New Poem: Bleeding Out
Great thanks to Mobius: The Journal of Social Change for publishing my poem, Bleeding Out, which talks about terrible costs incurred when children are the victims of gun violence.
2 New Poems About Children And Gun Violence
Many thanks to Reuben Woolley for publishing 2 of my poems on I am not a silent poet. It Wasn’t My Child and Conversation After The Fact are part of the collection of poems that I am writing about children and gun violence. I hope that some day these poems read as dated relics of a dark period in our history. Unfortunately, for the time being, they are all too relevant each and every day in this country.
New Publication: You Can Hear The Ocean
Just in time for an end of the summer beach read (or early holiday shopping: I am delighted to have my poem, “Ebb Tide” included in the new anthology, You Can Hear The Ocean: An Anthology of Classic and Current Poetry, published by Brighten Press, edited by Gene Hult. You can purchase the book on Amazon in both Kindle and paperback versions and includes a reading guide for teachers and book clubs! I haven’t gotten my copies yet, but I am quite thrilled to find my work included in a collection that also includes the likes of a few poets whose work you may know–Shakespeare, Browning, Dickinson, Emerson…and more!

The DiVerse Gaithersburg Fall, 2019 Reading Schedule
Please join us this fall when the DiVerse Gaithersburg Poetry Reading continues in its new location! All of our readings will be at the Quince Orchard Library, 2-4 pm, with an open mic following our featured poets.
September 8th:
October 13th:
November 10th:
December 8th:
We are excited to be dedicating both our October and December readings to poets who also pursue other creative work. In addition to sharing their poetry, the poets will also be discussing their other artistic endeavors and how they work with multiple creative forms of expression.
Many thanks to librarian Eve Burton for welcoming us to Quince Orchard and for helping me to work out all the details! And once again, I will be hosting the readings, hope to see you there.
3 New Poems In Foliate Oak
Many thanks to Foliate Oak for including three of my poems in their March issue. The poems are Mirror Image, White, and My Grandmother’s Tea Cups.
Fun bit of insider information–my maternal grandmother had a collection of tea cups that she kept in a glass front cabinet. She was a coffee drinker, but she didn’t use those cups for every day use. I wish I knew more about how she happened to collect them. After she died, I kept 2 of the tea cups and they sit on my bookshelves today.
My paternal grandmother drank coffee as well, but she also appreciated a good cup of tea and was the one who allowed me a sip of her jasmine tea. So while I wrote the poem referring to a singular grandmother, it is really drawn from my memories of my visits with both of them.
Kensington Poetry Reading March 27th
Please join me on March 27th when I’ll be reading at the Kensington Row Bookshop with Indran Amirthanayagam at a reading hosted by Luther Jett. The reading starts at 7 pm and an open mic follows. The address is: 3786 Howard Ave./Kensington, MD 20895.
Thrilled To Be A Finalist In Third Wednesday’s One Sentence Poem Contest
I am delighted to have my poem, On The Way To The Ice Cream Truck, chosen as a finalist in Third Wednesday‘s 2018 One Sentence Poem Contest. The poem is about the murder of Makiyah Wilson, who was shot to death outside her home in Washington, DC in July, 2018 as she was on the way to buy ice cream. This poem is part of a group of poems that I am writing about children who are the victims of gun violence. An earlier poem on this topic, Playing Bang Bang With A Shiny New Pistol That Wasn’t A Toy (He Was Only Three Years Old), was included in Rising Phoenix’s Disarm issue.