Tag Archive for Savvy Verse and Wisdom

Review Of My Book On Savvy Verse and Wit

Thank you so much Serena Agusto-Cox for this amazing review of my book! It really captures what the book is about. I wanted to pull one bit to quote here and it was really hard to do because every word is so spot on. I’ll just quote this:

“Inheritance of Aging Self by Lucinda Marshall is about the universal, solitary journey we all travel on. Don’t be mistaken, we are journeying with our past, present, and future side-by-side and no one can reconcile those facets of our selves but us. We must come to terms with all that we are and what remains, what we leave behind, how others will know us and remember us, and what pursuits will be of greatest importance in our waning years. That “Unicorn” is in the surf, it’s just out of reach unless we’re willing to believe and lunge forth toward it.”

As Serena notes, we workshop together, and have worked together in the poetry community in a number of ways. I’m proud to know her, and if you haven’t checked out her poetry as well as her book reviews and poetic book tours, you definitely should at savvyverseandwit.com.