I will be reading some poems from Inheritance Of Aging Self at Kensington Day Of The Book on April 23rd during the 11 am hour as part of the poetry program. The festival runs from 11-4 along Howard Ave. in Old Town Kensington, MD. Hope to see you there and many thanks to Nancy Naomi Carlson as well as Kurt Olsson for all their work in organizing the poetry program, what a great lineup of poets!
Tag Archive for poetry
Modular Improv Quilt Design With A Side Of Poetry
Last week I had a wonderful time making a presentation to the Friendship Star Quilters in Gaithersburg, MD. I shared some of my poems about quilting (ask me about the demise of Sunbonnet Sue!) and talked about my quilt design process (with lots of quilts as illustrations). I also got a chance to do a brief demonstration of my modular improv quilt design technique with the help of a few intrepid members of the guild. I plan to teach a workshop on using that design method this winter. If you are interested in knowing more or would like to bring the workshop to your guild (by Zoom or in person), please let me know. Here are a few pictures from my presentations, many thanks to Michele Barnard for the photos.

Sept. 1 Reading at DiVerse Gaithersburg
I’m looking forward to sharing some poems from Inheritance Of Aging Self as well as some newer work at the September 1rst Diverse Gaithersburg Poetry Reading at the Casey Center (810 S Frederick Ave, Gaithersburg, MD 20877) at 7 pm. CL will be the other featured reader and there is an open mic as well. Great thanks to Kristin Kowalski Ferragut for inviting me to read! I’ll have copies of my book with me if you would like to buy a copy, autograph and quilted bookmark included!
May 21: Gaithersburg Book Festival Schedule
The schedule for the Gaithersburg Book Festival is now online and you can find both the adult and children’s schedules here! I will be talking about Inheritance Of Aging Self at 11:15 at the Edgar Allen Poe Tent on a panel with Jay Hall Carpenter and Lisa Tice, moderated by Shaquetta Nelson and I’ll be signing books (available for purchase at the book festival) right after the panel concludes. This is an amazing book festival with something for people of all ages and interests and this year there is a full day of poetry panels for the first time! The festival is at Bohrer Park in Gaithersburg, MD.

2 Poems In The Quiltfolk Magazine Maryland Issue
I am delighted to have 2 of my quilt-themed poems in the Maryland issue of Quiltfolk Magazine. The poems are “Anonymous Quilted” (along with a picture of the quilt by the same name and “Sunbonnet Sue”, an ever so slightly snarky homage to that enduring and endearing quilt block pattern. I also wrote a short guest piece for their “From The Community” feature talking about my own quilting. The magazine is print only, you can order the Maryland issue or order a subscription on their website.
Join Me At The Gaithersburg Book Festival
I am delighted to be one of the poets presenting at the Gaithersburg Book Festival this year on May 21rst. Cross fingers, this is planned as an outside event, hopefully won’t have to be moved online this year, but details and the time I’ll be presenting when we get much closer.

Interview By Kristin Kowalski Ferragut
I am so grateful to Kristin Kowalski Ferragut for interviewing me about my book, quilting, and more. Kristin is a gifted poet, artist, and musician and has also interviewed a number of other poets and you should definitely check out all of that on her website!
Here is a snippet from the interview:
“You create some beautiful visual arts in your quilting. Might you describe something about that part of your life? It seems to me another full-time occupation — contests, articles, photoshoots… How do you fit it all in? What is the most rewarding aspect of that work? And might you describe your approach to creating a piece?
Thank you! I have always been a multi-creative and quilting has been on my bucket list of things that I wanted to do for a long time. I gave it a try many years ago but really didn’t have the time to pursue it at that point. And then it dawned on me a few years ago after seeing some gorgeous quilts in a show that it might be a good time to delve back into it. I am almost entirely self-taught, so the learning has always been part of the journey.
Quilting is part idea, part puzzle-solving, part meditation for me. When you are quilting, it is best to stay focused, presuming you don’t want to poke or cut yourself, not to mention actually get all the pieces to fit together and stay together, so that focus is a way for me to clear my head of all the other mayhem of the day. I’ve always had an affinity for making art that brings joy and makes you smile and quilting my way through the pandemic has ensured that I have a readily available supply of pretty things even when everything else is a mess…”
Change Of Plans…
I was so looking forward to reading at DiVerse Gaithersburg next week, but because of the Omicron Covid surge, I’ve asked to re-schedule. There is still a plan for a reading at an outdoor location and kudos to Kristin Kowalski Ferragut for rolling with the organizing punches to make her first reading as host a happening event. Here is a link to the details for the January reading and when my reading is rescheduled, I’ll post the details then.
Review In Beltway Poetry Quarterly
I am humbled and grateful for this lovely review by Kristin Kowalski Ferragut of Inheritance Of Aging Self in the latest issue of Beltway Poetry Review. Many thanks as well to Beltway editors Sara Cahill Marron and Indran Amirthanayagam.
Here is a screenshot of the first paragraph:

Click here for links to the usual book buying options.
Ann Bracken Interviews Me
Grateful to Ann Bracken for interviewing me about poetry, my book, and quilting. Such great questions! Here’s a snippet from the interview:
AB: I love the poem “My Grandmother’s Tea Cups”—it’s so evocative of time spent with an older loved one. You so skillfully parallel the younger you with the older you. Tell me about the bond you have with your grandmother.
LM: I’m so glad that you love it. Although it is written in singular person, it is really about my relationships with both of my grandmothers. My maternal grandmother had a collection of tea cups that she kept in a curio cabinet and I used to love to look at them when I was little. I still have 2 of the cups. My other grandmother used to take me for tea in a little shop where we would order jasmine tea and talk about the things that were happening in our lives. I cherish both their memories.
Check here https://annbrackenauthor.com/ to check out Ann’s wonderful poetry and learn more about her new book, “Once You’re Inside”.